spends a holiday (friday) and a weekend alone..oh dear, it's killing me..heh!! i need to do something to cheer up my life...last tuesday, i dont have a chance to celebrate my bday (sounds so childish..heh!!) but hey!! i'm just wanna have a normal life, same as others..i have a right to be childish, i can be matured, i can be tough, i can be a sweet darl, i can have a mixture of any character (as long as i'm not pretending to be someone else..it's just ME)...well, it's time to spoilt myself...give a reward for having a busiest working days...HEY part 01, your last crit session was awesome..seems like you're ready for the submission this tuesday (merdayka??) kt studio la jawabnye..heh!!
yesterday, i woke up early in the morning, i'd an apoointment for car service...heh!! raya nk jln jauh..so servis kereta, is a MUST..heh!! while waited for the car service..i was thinking of something that might makes my day...hmmm...where could i go in ipoh..heh!!!! okla, shopping should be great..heh!!
shopping will be the non stop session for me..(statement yg agak bahaya...heh!!) but this time, i was trying to find something for my bday reward...wanna know what i'd found out...the beautiful, colourful long dress...gosh!! i'm so in love with this long dress...

it's so retro style..love it!! i know summer is almost over but hey!! in perak, summer will be in here all the time..but i won't wear this in perak...
people might think i'm insane..heh!!
i terase poyo jugakla dgn gamba2 tersebut...perasan mcm model ok..heh!!
but then, penat i snapped all those photos so i letak jekla ok..kalo u all mcm geli geleman jek nengok...pejam mate jekla...bg i berangan sorg2..heh!!
no matter what, i still love this long dress a lot...oh dear!! i need a vacation...click for airsasia & MAS website........arrgghhh!!! so many places to visit..when will i find the one fine day for this...my dear SEOUL, you'll be the first choice...dina, are you ready?? ok, insaf for awhile, nomore shopping..heh!! simpan duit for a vacation ;)
...here's the other side of me...
i love
:: fashion ::
:: colours ::
:: design ::
...i do what i love to do...no matter what people might say about it...as long as i know my limit and won't hurt anybody's feeling and i'm happy with it...
..people out there, express yourself..
feels free to do whatever you like..but, knows the limit...jgn terpesong sudah ;)
pose cik nadya, meletup ! ;D
nak pegi seoul tak ajakkkk.
mana aci ;(
hahahaha...i mmg dh rase poyo mase nk letak gamba tu..tapi letak jugakla kan..so double poyos la...hahahaha..
seoul...heee...just a plan...mane bleh gi dgn u..nanti berebut pulak...hahahaha
I loike the bday dress!! late than never, kita mesti celebrate bday you sama2 ok? makan2 like always and pieces of YUMMY's cake!
*wink* u love it?? hee..tq darl..hee..ala tk celebrate pon tkpe...just a slice of cake pon ok..and i've eaten it already...heee...
simple :: one :: happy
apa kate kalo cik nadia belanja kami cake..hehe....
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