Thursday, October 6, 2011

dear diary : ...working life...

working life
*when students're not around*
super bosannnn!!
cos my colleagues..hmmm...nothing much to say
i just wanna thank few of them yg sgt2 baik & jujur bekerja tanpa ade agenda lain
saye suke bekerja bile ade anda2 (yg hanya 5-6org shj) berada di sisi
therefore, i love to be alone in my cube
do my lil thingy...without any interruption
sampai tadi i kene perli
*hye nady, lame tk sgt ye*
heh!! i jawab jek *agak bzlaaaa* kahkahkah2 hmm..ade unsur2 kerek di situ..heh!!
walhal i prefer to stay in my office alone..
kalo tkde bende2 penting..dont disturb me!!
saye suke mengunci diri to *create* my own comfort zone...heh!!
cos saye tk suke gangguan2 yg bising..yg hanya diorg jek yg hbat
masing2 nk fight for itu ini, complain for itu ini..huh!! letihhh maaa!!
sume nk menang aje...yg suke nk WORK SMART
compared to me, who prefer to WORK HARD..
if i get something, that can be considered as a reward..i dont ask for it
everything i do, its more to my much i love what i'm doing..that's all
bukan dgn WORK SMART..mengejar2 tuk dpt sesuatu dgn cara yg begitu mudah..
pastu tonjol2 diri nk dpt reward
daaaa!! mcmane nk ikhlas ok bile buat bekerja...
arrggh!! saye stress fikirkn insan2 sebegini

hanya bile my kakak ade kt ofis barula ade teman nk borak2
ade teman nk share anything dgn jujur & ikhlasnye
i love u so much~

ok put aside all those things
otak tepu kalo pikir lama2

i love my job i??
i might say YES
cos i love my works so much
i love my students super duper much
and few colleagues yg baik2

sekadar luahan hati
saye juga tidak sempurna
mungkin ade juga yg tidak suke sama saye
itu hak individu
yg pasti saye tkkn masuk campur hal org lain
& kerja yg diberikn pd saye
akn saye laksanakn sehabis baik ;)


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