i dont know what am i thinking right now...3days of March, i'm kind of lost...i'm not as happy as usual. i'm laughing at the outside but deep inside me, i kind of silent~static...no feeling at all. what's happening to me?? i wish for a miracle tmrw. everything i do, i'll not satisfied at all. i give a lecture & crit my students' works as always..but the feeling was different. i've just called my mama (usually when i feel something "tk btul" i call my mama, then i'll feel much better) but this time, it's still the same...i still can't get it..WHY??
what's make me feel more badly :
1-my notebook, difficult for me to open it properly, i've got to restart it again and again till i've got stress..heh!!
2- fisya's vase (outside my house) had been broken..i dont know how it could happen...i think the kucing had done it..argghhh!!
3- i asked a wireman to install the ceiling fan (summer in perak..heh!!)..but when i want to open the fan, i've got to open the lamp first..OMG!! tersangatla bertauliah that wireman..arrgghh!! tmrw, he'll fix it..huh!!
4- i'd just gave a lecture (my fav subject~history of art & architecture) at TEC room, then the "tekan2" thing ( i know the name of it..heh!!) but the function of it is to connect the computer with the projector and the screen, i can't use it..gooshh!!! i "ketuk" that stuff then alhamdulillah it's worked...tengah i show gile bg lecture, suddenly the computer was hanged..arrrghhh!!!! luckily, my student make me calm down and very supportive..i restarted it back and keep on talking and talking and talking..fuhhh!!
this week, 5pm i'll pack my stuffs and go back...usually, i can stay in the office till 6-7pm and do my works....what was happening to me!!!!!
so, i would like to share some of the theraphy when i get back home ;)
watch my fav tv shows :

wed 10pm @ starworld

tues 9pm @ starworld

tues 10pm @ starworld

saturday 9pm @ travel & living

sunday 9pm @ astro prima..heee!! not bad la..
still waiting for the new season of desperate housewives, gossip girls and ugly betty....please 8tv @ STARWORLD, invest more money to get all these tv series...i need it!!!

while i'm watching the tv, i'll pamper myself with this lotion (my new fav one)..smell so good ;)
3 days i've been borrowed celcom broadband from my bro (tq shahir)..lots of thing can be done..facebooking, blogging..heeeeeeeee....
Haha..try Raja Lawak bebeh. even though I dun like it at first, but then I feel like hey..I need to watch something yg tak serious sgt!
yup2...me too...not bad la jugakgo idlan go idlan go idlan...hahahahahaha..i suke nengok juri diorg...funny gile...
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