When time goes by..days by days..you will meet different kind of people..when you know someone, automically they might be considered as your friends..That's mean everyday you will have a new friend..No matter if you've got a thousand of friends, only a few of them can really get close to your heart...
Let me introduce to you my dearest bestfriends who i can't live without them...I've learnt so many things from them... and what i love the most; they will always be there for me in tears & happiness..
...my darl, fisya fadzil...

The most wonderful friend i've ever had..She knows how to make me happy..I'm the sentimental type of person (very sensitive..hee) & always "gelabah" when something happen in a sudden (walaupun tkdela teruk mane pun bende tu)...she's the one who can stands on me & such a great listener..she's the one who change my perception of cooking (before this i hate to cook) but now, i'm so in love with cooking...(i'm still learning to be a pro..heee)..sometimes i think that she's sacrifice so much for me...such a calm person, that's why when i "hangin semacam jek", she's the one who knows how to make me calm down for awhile...fisya, i know u'll always "pok pok" me to make me feel better...she the great map sketcher...i'll arrive safely to the destination..great!!
...my KAK CHA...

For me, she's my sister...i feel like i'm so "manja" when i'm with her...(i yg perasan..heh!!)...the tallest ever..i mmg kalahla kan..hee...
my xoxo, nanna

She the super duper caring type of person...care for me all the time...i'll always refer to her when i'm stressful with works & some other things..heh!! when to her office "knock knock knock"...the gossips begin...heee....xoxoxoxo...monday & wednesday "our marketing day"...fav menu : nasi kerabu ayam..yum yum...then "lepak"ing session @ nannna's home sweet home till nite...(i slalu sibuk gi umah nanna..ciyan nanna kene lyn i..heh!!)...she the guru to me : she's the one who making me fall in love with edward twilight (gosh!!)..she makes me addicted to air jambu special (i jek sorg yg tk tau psl air tu..satu msia dh tau dh sebenanye..so lambt..heh!!)...when the class is over (freedom for awhile for the whole lecturers)...me & nanna have a breakfast date..yeah!!...this is the time we can demand for the best nasi lemak @ klasik & the best roti canai @ anje...heh!! heaven ok!! She's in Yemen now..huhuhu...can't wait to meet you again...
...we love...



i feel full of loves when they're around me...i really want to hug each one of you right now...no matter how far we are, 3 of you always in my heart..always!!

...THE END....
sob sob sob, ... wait for me this puasa k, kite makan nasik kerabu ari2 ... xoxo.gossip gurl
banyak betul piccas kita berempat..full of stories..full of loveeee..
huhuhuhu...i'm waiting for that moment...kite hang out berempat lagik...yes yes yes...
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