my hubby mmg macho
why i'm saying that cos
he's a sport guy
(mmg sume sport guys macho ok...auuwwww)
he's so in love with sport
(dh keje pon lecturer sport sampai masters pon psl sport..harusla kn)
kalau bola dgn chelsea nya
rugby lagi
badminton lagi
pehhh!! machola..hahaha
(i jek lembik & so not into suke peluh2..heh!!)
* so here's one of the contradiction between me n my hubby*
tapi i suke
i love to learn what he likes the most
tk reti pon
belajar jugak kasi reti
tu yg lyn jugakla die nengok bola & rugby (dlm tv....hehe)
so disebabkn cinta suamiku yg mendalam pd sukan
dia dilantik jadi rugby coach for uitm pahang team
macho macho!! hehehe
last few days
ada sukan KARISMA (sukan antara cawangan2 uitm)
i gigihkn diri
choc moist cake
for him
kasi pemangkin semangat...cewwaahhh!!!
lagi2 la i buat dgn air tangan sendiri

;) love you
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