Let me introduce to you,
.....mia marissa zulkifli.....

an energetic darl ;)
Paklang & aunty lina came early in the morning to send her (tq for the breakfast..i don't know why paklang & haziq are so addicted with mee pak hasan..heh!!). At first Mia was so fine. She's smiling & hugging her maklong (my mama). Right after her parent left, she's crying so loud. I was so panic (i always like that, gelabah jek..heh!!). After all, she's fine. Playing around tak hingat dunia..heh!! What i love the most bout Mia, she knows how to make herself happy. I can consider she as the creative darl. Her character, tomboyish yet manja..hee. I love that.
....rania allysha zuri azrin....

sweet like a princess ;)
This lil darl ok with us. We have been her babysitter for a week at Nenek Timah's home sweet home before she came to our house. When she arrived, kind of forgot about her mama. Nak pancing this darl, so easy. Just open channel 104 sehati berdansa, she will leka & dance around (konon2 samala mcm sazzy...hahaha). She love music so much especially lagu2 budak2 AF (i dont understand why..heh!!). The funny thing is, when she hear Stacy's song -pakai buang...she will says "papapapapa"..which part yg "papapapa" tu pun i tk tau...heh!! She is so "perempuan melayu terakhir"..sopan sgt2..when she speaks, uiishhh my brother boleh cair ok...hahahaha (his fav baby anyway). She has gone to pre-school even she's only 2years old (nk bg cerdik ckp mama dia...heh!!). My sweet lil darl ;) me, my sis dina & my bro shahir miss her so much..At one time, my sis want to get one of her cloth (nk buat peluk masa tidur..bg ilang rindu..hahaha) so sengal!!
I want to share some photos of this 2 lil darls during their day in my house
.....eating time.....
kalau dh namanya cucu atok kasim & nenek timah mmgla tk sah kalau tk mkn..

football maniac..heh!!

.....membaca budaya kita....
the best part, when i snapped this photo, mia was looking at the gossip of ida nerina...kecil2 dh pandai gosip eh..heee

.....uno stacko.....

.....mari mewarna....
rania tunjuk skill yg dia belajar kt pre-school la tu..heh!!

....lepaking session....

....sleeping beauty....
syoknya tidur, it's my time for facebook session..heh!!
Those are Rania's stuffs..I dont know why her mama (my acik) had to bring this 3 bags even she's just staying in our house half of the day..heh!! Baju jek 5-6 helai.When i be a mama, i'll know why..heh!! i guess..
Love this lil darls so much ;)