Wednesday, June 30, 2010

dear diary : wahai "org melayu"

i'm not the last minute type of person..i'll make sure all the tasks given will be done perfectly and completed before the due date @ on time...insyaAllah i'll try to complete it...DR M selalu berpesan, org melayu kena merubah sikap kalau nk berjaya...then,  where is the effort to be in the same level with Japanese, Chinese, British, American, Korean, etc ?? malay, always the same...i'm trying so hard to make sure that i'm not the typical org melayu...i wanna be the different type of malay...even, i'm not the excellent candidate to be in TOP 10 of successful malay..but i'm willing to change to be in the right achieve the goal in any task given...

However, if i'm the only one yg completed the task on time, but org besar yg memberi arahan masih di takuk lama...lambat bertindak & kesudahannya kite yg kategori ikan bilis ni, diseret sekali masuk dlm  golongan "last minute type of person"..gosh!!!! i hate to be that ok!! gerammmmmmmmmm...this is not the first time...i know that i baru jek masuk dlm this group to manage this tasks..tapi i rase sampai bile kite nk kene akur dgn kate-kate mcm ni " biasela nady, mmg mcm ni kalo sape yg handle this taks, mmg selalu kene rombak last minit mcm ni"...waahhhhhh!!!!! senangnye ati ni nk kene terima hakikat2 mcm ni..come on org melayu!! kite ni nk sedarkn org melayu, tapi kalo kite sendiri masih mcm ni,  camne dgn anak bangsa yg kite didik ni...berbuih2 kite ingatkn anak2 bangsa kite kene pandang ke hadapan...luaskn pikiran...nengok dunia innovative...tapi...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
belajar tinggi2..present paper sane sini, buat research sampai sepelosok dunia, puas study psl org luar, blik malaysia, ckp "KITA KENA BERUBAH" "lihatlah org jepun, lihatla org UK, lihatlah org sane sini...bla..bla..bla..." sekadar melontarkan idea sebegitu sahaja...NOKTAH!! penyudahnya, tidak bersemadi langsung dlm lubuk sanubari org melayu sendiri...apa gunanya???

renung2 kanla...we need to change..being unique doesn't mean that u wanna be exposed...u wanna show of..but to make sure that u're recognised because of the good changes that u've done...salah ke tu? so org melayu, kenapa kite mesti nk bg negative thinking pd org luar bile mereka bg persepsi mengenai kite...bgla ruang utk org luar realise how excellent we are, how capable we are to handle any works...come on!! mase berlalu dgn pantas...change for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

idop org melayu...
follow la sy cik nadiaa...



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