Sunday, October 9, 2011

dear diary : ...ponytail...

today i wanna share something tht i never tell anybody before

why eh
tetibe i boleh tercair sama cinta ati saya
masa mule2 kenalla

 :: this is the reason why ::

what so special bout this??
sgt2 special wooo!!

:: ok meh saye story ::

dulu masa saye single, saya slalu ckp pd mama
along kan mama tkmo bf yg nerd, yg baik sesgt, yg diam, yg innocent....heh!!
along kan mama nk bf yg kelakar (tu wajib!!), pakai spec (cos nampak educated), rambut panjang (cos bile ikat nampak shekshi), stylo..pandai bergaye..hehe
mmg mama geleng kepale dengar...bertuahla kalo bf saye ngadap haji shaharum dgn rambut panjang tu...susah gile nk lulus..heh!!

tetibe saye fall in love pulak dgn si cinta hati ini
yg sungguh menepati habis ciri2 idamanku...auww!!
dulu mase cerite dgn kwn2 ciri2 idaman ni..diorg gelak jek
pastu diorg ckp, hmm..sampai ke tua la ko tk jumpe bf nady...huhuhu
sedih gile dengar...tapi biasela tu kire mcm ciri2 idaman kn sume org ade list masing2

yg penting sgt2 to find the soulmate
 :: perlu ada ::

:: keserasian :: so bile kite borak die boleh masuk...siap bleh sambung2 gelak...serasi ni kene nengok dlm segala segi...agar mudah nk berbincang...mudah nk merancang ;)
:: beriman :: paling senang nk test, bile pi dating, die ingat tk nk solat?? far alhamdulillah..sejuk ati saye ;)
:: hati budi :: mestilah nk yg baik hati kan...yg respect perempuan, lyn baik2
:: family type :: ini ciri utama yg saye cari...kerna saye sgt2 rapat dgn family that die juga pasti hormat dgn family kite juga & tk kesah family ramai 7 bleh hang out sesame...
:: hormat org tua :: tu sgt2 wajibla, yg ni kite nengok mase die jumpe parent kite...awak sgt sweet, busyuk...dgn glabah2 die tu..comel ok!! hehehe (bkn saye ckp, mama ayah yg ckp awak glabah ok..heh!!)
:: educated :: sekurang2nye belajar universiti la kn..bukan ape, ini jaminan tuk kerjaya yg bagus & mampu didik anak dgn sebaiknye..serta mudah berkomunikasi (cos bile berbicara tu, die akn pikir panjang skit..tkdela ikut emosi jek)

ciri2 yg rambut panjang pakai spec, stylo, etc etc tu (more to appearance la kn)
tu ciri2 sampingan sahaja...kalo cinta hati saye tkde ciri2 ini tapi ciri2 utama (yg tersenarai di atas itu) sgt2 menepati, pasti saye pilih juga ;)

ok berbalik pd rambut panjang ini, ye ye..saye sgt jatuh hati becos of that...especially bile si die ikat ponytail style...nangis nengok...sungguh shekshi la..kahkahkahkah (sesiape umur 18 tahun jgn bace ok..hahaha)...saye kenal sama die through fb..mmg tk pernah jumpe bile die balik malaysia for good (from korea) saye pulak mase tu mmg on the way balik ke perak (from malacca)....rase mcm nk singgah jek KLIA kunun2 nk sambut die balikla kn...tapi aishhhhhhhh!! malu gile ok...dhla tk pernah jumpe..tetibe main redah mcm tu..oh dear!! sungguh saye tkde kekuatan...ayah pun pesan, tkpe along, tk perlu...kalo mmg die jodoh kite, pasti akan ketemu saye ikut ckp ayah...saye tk pergi pon KLIA..tapi bile lalu jek hi-way dengkil tu, area KLIA tu ade kapalterbang terbang sane sini..uwwaaaaaaaa..nk nangis rase...heh!! lagik2 bile kenangkn ponytail die itu...T__T

cos i know, once he's back, we gonna say bye2 to the ponytail style..heh!! nk jadi lecturer kenela potong rambut kn...skimala skit..heh!! so once saye dpt jumpe die, mmg dh jadi my sweety yg skima la kn...tapi tkpe sayang, awak tetap henshem di mata saye..siyus!! hehehe...

here's the transformation
aishhhh!! cinta hati saye ni tetap kacakla..kehkehkeh

so that's the story of ponytail...till now, saye rase terkilan gile tk dpt nengok cinta hati berambut panjang..huhuhu...maybe sambung Ph.D nanti ke kn..who knows!! (ade ati nk jugak tu..heh!!)

why eh saye suke nk potpetpotpet panjang2 ari ni


i miss him so much ~~

counting days to meet u very soon, sweetheart ;);)

kehkehkeh ~~


mohd zulkhairi mohd azam

i love u


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